Template tag

phased.templatetags.phased_tags.phased(parser, token)

Template tag to denote a template section to render a second time via a middleware.


{% load phased_tags %}
{% phased with [var1] [var2] .. %}
    .. some content to be rendered a second time ..
{% endphased %}

You can pass it a list of context variable names to automatically save those variables for the second pass rendering of the template, e.g.:

{% load phased_tags %}
{% phased with comment_count object %}
    There are {{ comment_count }} comments for "{{ object }}".
{% endphased %}

Alternatively you can also set the PHASED_KEEP_CONTEXT setting to True to automatically keep the whole context for each phased block.

Note: Lazy objects such as messages and csrf tokens aren’t kept.

phased.templatetags.phased_tags.phasedcache(parser, token)

Taken from django.templatetags.cache and changed ending tag.

This will cache the contents of a template fragment for a given amount of time and do a second pass render on the contents.


{% load phased_tags %}
{% phasedcache [expire_time] [fragment_name] %}
    .. some expensive processing ..
    {% phased %}
        .. some request specific stuff ..
    {% endphased %}
{% endphasedcache %}

This tag also supports varying by a list of arguments:

{% load phased_tags %}
{% phasedcache [expire_time] [fragment_name] [var1] [var2] .. %}
    .. some expensive processing ..
    {% phased %}
        .. some request specific stuff ..
    {% endphased %}
{% endphasedcache %}

Each unique set of arguments will result in a unique cache entry. The tag will take care that the phased tags are properly rendered.

It requires usage of RequestContext and django.core.context_processors.request to be in the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting.


Parse to the end of a phased block. This is different than Parser.parse() in that it does not generate Node objects; it simply yields tokens.

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